![]() ![]() 1.23.07 = "argument" a performance intervention in John Lowther's freshman english class @GSU. 1. i pretended to be a new student. 2. i took a quiz and wrote about overthrowing the power structure. 3. at a certain point during the class, john announced that the students must take notes and that they would be quizzed on the content of the remainder of the class. 4. i stood up and began to adorn the teacher with plastic, and controlled him like a puppet. 5. various other actions. 6. the students were required to write a paper about the performance---making a sound argument about whether or not the performance was art.
my next art action was to declare myself dictator of my household, and require that my subjects experience art on a weekly basis. they were required to write about or respond to their art experience. i began to take over other portions of land, and gain control of other peoples. next, i decided that i was no longer interested in being a dictator after difficult negotiations with stan woodard over the land that his studio occupied. dictators are mean. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() a narrowing, isolation. conflicted construct.......>hegemony .too much close off/away. i will no longer tolerate words or environ mental intrusions my world = 1 simple CONstruct |